2024/08/18 18:06

Sadayana / サダヤナ
Region : West Java
Farmer : Sadayana washing station
Altitude : 1,200-1,700m
Beans : Sigarar Utang, Timor, Typica
Process : Washed



〜ABOUT Indonesian Coffee Culture〜
近年は、品質を重視し地域に根付いたコレクターの活躍や、ウォッシング・ステーションの設立、地域農協の取組み、Cup of Excellenceなどのコンペディションにより、市場に変化が齎されています。


The Sadayana Washing Station was built in March 2022 by exporter Sucafina, based in Bandung, West Java, and local partners.
The name of the washing station, Sadayana, comes from the Sundanese word for "working together."
About 200 farmers store their cherries at the Sadayana Washing Station, and the name "Sadayana: Working Together" was chosen in the hope that the washing station would grow together with local coffee producers.
The Sundanese are one of the three major ethnic groups on the island of Java, and the area where the Sadayana Washing Station is located is majority-same region, so it also expresses respect for the local people and culture in Indonesia, a multilingual and multiethnic country.
Farmers who provide cherries to the station are working to improve quality while taking advantage of production services such as agricultural technology support and affordable seedling supply.
Indonesia is generally known for this wet hull process, known as the Sumatran method, but in recent years, an increasing number of agricultural cooperatives and washing stations are practicing various processes such as free washed and natural, with the aim of improving quality and taking advantage of regional characteristics. This is a movement to develop new markets, not only in exporting countries, but also in response to the growth and demand of the domestic Indonesian market and the production of specialty quality coffee.
At the Sadayana Washing Station, farmers carefully select and hand-pick ripe red cherries and bring them to the washing station. The accumulated cherries are put into a mechanical siphon, where they are gravity-sorted, pulp removed, and finished into wet parchment.
They are then put into a fermentation tank lined with ceramic tiles and fermented for about 16 hours.
After fermentation, the parchment is washed with clean water and finished.
The drying area is transported to a vinyl house-type patio to avoid being affected by rain, and the moisture content is uniformly and ideally adjusted through repeated stirring.
The moisture content is adjusted over a period of 7 to 15 days, taking into account the weather, temperature, and humidity.
With washing stations at the center and functioning as one of the infrastructures for local residents, development is being seen in the areas of more quality-based production processing, diversity, sharing of know-how in coffee cultivation, and ensuring traceability.

~ ABOUT Indonesian Coffee Culture ~
Although Indonesian coffee has a very long history, it has been lagging behind in its approach to the specialty coffee market due to its long and unique history, including its unique distribution form that mediates between collectors, its unique production processing process called wet hulling, and the traceability that the coffee market has desired in recent years.
In recent years, the market has been changing due to the activities of locally rooted collectors who place importance on quality, the establishment of washing stations, the efforts of local agricultural cooperatives, and competitions such as the Cup of Excellence.
Wet hulling, a production processing method unique to Indonesia, pulps the harvested cherries with a hand-cranked or electric pulp remover, ferments them in tanks owned by the farmer, and then washes them with water to make parchment coffee.
The farmer then allows the coffee to dry for about half a day to two days. This initial drying is not for drying the green beans, but rather for drying the parchment that will be removed later.
The parchment is then handed over to traders called collectors, who remove the shells using large machinery and the green beans are then dried.
This is the so-called Sumatran production processing method, and although its exact origins are uncertain, it is said to have originated in Aceh in the late 1970s.

Wet hulling is said to be a unique distribution form and production processing method that was adopted because farmers wanted prompt payment and because small farmers who did not have infrastructure such as drying equipment due to the humid and rainy climate conditions typical of Sumatra did not want to take on the risk of drying.