2025/01/13 12:21


Region : Simbi secter, Mugobore
Farmer : Huye Mountain Washing Station
Altitude : 1,700 - 2,000m
Beans : Bourbon
Process : Natural


Rwanda is one of Africa's leading specialty coffee producing countries. In the past, it was only known to a few as a coffee producing country, but in recent years, the complex terroir created by its climate and soil has captured the hearts of many roasters and consumers, making it an indispensable part of the specialty coffee lineup.
Rwanda had the potential to produce delicious coffee, with its high altitude throughout the country, temperature differences between day and night, and mineral-rich soil, but it was devastated by civil war and started out with no manpower or funds. By using materials available on the land, they started by improving the soil, such as plowing rice husks into the soil to soften it and covering the surface with vegetation to increase water retention, and as a result, the harvest doubled the following year.
Today, it has become known as a producer of high-quality coffee with a deeper flavor.

Rwanda is a landlocked country whose main industry is agriculture, so it has a chronic trade deficit, but it is taking a policy of strengthening its international competitiveness by specializing in high quality.


代表デビットは元NAEB (National Agricultural Export Development Board)の農事技師で、自分の知見を直接反映させるフィールドとしてこのウォッシングステーションを立ち上げました。同エリアは多くの小規模農家により構成されているため、同氏は7つのエリアに分けることでそれぞれ異なるフレーバーを持つコーヒー生産に取り組んでいます。

DAVID AND FAMILY LTD.は、タレCWSとがコCWSの2つを所有しています。いずれも廃水は濾過後に貯水タンクに貯め再利用し、パルプは堆肥に使用するなど環境的循環にも取り組んでいます。2024年入港のクロップでは、ルワンダらしいグリーンアップルのようなブレンドロットから、それぞれの区画の特徴を楽しむことができるマイクロロットまでご用意しております。
Huye Mountain is a washing station located in Fie District in southern Rwanda.
Representative David is a former agricultural engineer with NAEB (National Agricultural Export Development Board), and established this washing station as a field to directly reflect his knowledge. As the area is made up of many small-scale farmers, he has divided it into seven areas to produce coffee with different flavors.